농업경영 정보/농업경제보고서

브랜드자산과 쌀 구매 (농촌경제)

곳간지기1 2008. 3. 6. 15:02

수입쌀 시판에 대응하여 국내 쌀이 외국쌀과 치열하게 경쟁해야 하는 상황에서, 쌀  브랜드 강화 및 품질경쟁력 제고가 시급한 과제인데, KREI의 <농촌경제>에 게재된 박현숙, 박성규의 "브랜드 자산과 쌀 구매와의 관계 연구" 참고 바랍니다.



  The purpose of this study is to do research on factors that make customers to purchase “Excellent Brand Rice,” a rice brand chosen by consumer groups and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, local governments, the agricultural cooperative Nonghyup, private businessmen and rice processing complexes.
In the research model, the dependent variable is “Excellent Brand Rice” purchase. The independent variables are pre-perceptive qualities , brand image, brand loyalties, and brand perceptions .The research results are presented as follows: First, the factors of excellent brand rice purchase decision were brand good images, loyalties, brand perceptions. But rice qualities that were regarded very significant in earlier research have not been included in the rice purchase decision factors.
